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One time A.P.J Abdul Kalam says,'' dream is not that which you see while sleeping it is something that does not let you sleep.''
Success Text
As we see the world with our eyes, we see dream differently.
every person has a dream.Whether he is rich or poor, educated or uneducated or from any field.If he is a farmer he wishes a better climate so, that grow more crop to afford his children expences.
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 1 Us Dollar Banknotes

A businessman wishes to export his goods over the world. The differences are that their way to see. We are alive to achieve our dream. The definition of success is differed by a person. If you become a successful person, then you explain your life. The main ways to become successful by following your dream with passion. Follow your dream, sacrifices the time-wasting things like watching movies and other many things. If you can watch movies for continuously 12 hours or you can playing games for so many hours. Then why you cannot study for 12 hours, I doesn't know-how a person gets depressed by studying and why not by watching movies. I hear from many people," I cannot memories what I studies".I know most of the guys think it is good but I think of course it is not. Here I want to explain by an example; suppose we have two guys one is jack and other is bills. Jack is the topper of his collage he spent all his time studying but bills doesn't study so much, in his free time he watches movies in he is average students. If we give movies to both for watching and explaining it. Although jack is the topper, bills can explain the movies very well because he knows about movies. He has passion, interest in it. so he explains it very well. But jack doesn't interested in watching movies so, he couldn't explains it very well.
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So, from this story we can conclude that to become a successful passion, curiosity, interest is necessary.make you dream part of your life like a heart without it we cannot a success so make a dreamlike heart I understand it is not easy to become successful you should have passion dignity determination talent.Be like ALBERT he studies physics against his father at this time physicist have no scope.he have passion interest so he studies physics. he wants to explain how is light travel. he works five years as typewriter. although he works as a typewriter he never forgot his dream.now he is king.
I love him so much he is my inspiration............................

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