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A.I, when we hear this word, we have confusion.what actually it is whether it is useful or not.stefen hawking said, "the development of full artificial intelligence could spell the end of the human race".what would you think do you agree with him. discuss the idea er great entrepreneur Elon musk" I think generally people underestimate the power of ability of A.I".the sort of thinking it's a smart hunan.musk said with Alibaba CEO jack ma at the shanghai. must watch his interview if you are interested in A.iwe just seem like strange aliens. they mostly just care  about chimpanzees, and this will be how it is, more or less; views idea of another entrepreneur
Ali Farhadi, an associate professor at the University of Washington, is on a mission to make smart devices smarter still.
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Farhadi, who has been researching how to help computers see and learn for two decades, is also a researcher at the Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence. He spends his time thinking about how AI engineers can figure out the right problems to work on. Late last year, he found one. Farhadi and his colleagues created an AI inference algorithm that uses less computing and battery power, meaning that it can “think” faster using lower-powered chips. After he published his research in an academic paper, people began asking him for a licensing model and a software development kit. So he started his company, Xnor.ai, to turn the algorithm into a commercial solution for AI developers.
The algorithm enables devices to crunch data with machine-learning models using relatively low-powered processes without having to send it back to the cloud. That is useful in a range of applications, including drones that use machine vision for surveillance, and smartphones that process image, speech and location data while preserving battery life.
Xnor.ai has raised more than $14 million in the capital, but it hasn’t touched the money yet since Farhadi says it is already profitable. It’s a company to watch in this emerging market as device vendors strive to do more with less.

Robert fertileMent10 artificial intelligence facts by Blipparal illness is one of the most crippling human afflictions, affecting one in five people in the U.S. and accounting for $193 billion in annual costs. We’re also terrible at treating it. Robert Fratila wants to change that. Even as more people seek treatment, the time it takes for each patient to find the right treatment for them is a significant bottleneck to recovery,” says Fratila, and that’s the issue he’s hoping to resolve.
Alfred Health helps doctors and patients track data about mental health treatments that doctors are providing to patients and their responses to them to determine what is most effective for each individual. It also helps map that data to best-practice guidelines and uses AI to help personalize treatment options.
“We take in self-reported data from the patient—and in the future, biomarker data—and run this information through our deep learning model, trained on thousands of patient records from clinical trials, and produce predicted remission rates for each potential treatment,” Fratila says. Doctors use that information to zero in on the best treatment.
The technology will not only help hundreds of thousands of mental health sufferers but will also bring significant financial benefits, he predicts. “By helping patients get the right treatment sooner in their course, we help cut down on the time they spend depressed,” Fratila says. “This saves everyone huge costs the family, employer, insurer, the government, care provider and the patient.”
From Here to Human
Hassan MuradAcross the U.S. and Canada, malls are filled with diners holding waste-filled food trays, staring blankly at a series of recycling bins, trying to work out where to put everything. Even coffee cups often must be split into three components, each with a different destination. It’s confusing—and getting it wrong has serious ramifications. Processing centers struggle to handle cross-contaminated waste streams, frequently redirecting it to landfill.
To do so, the former Tesla intern is developing an AI-powered visual sorting system, called OSCAR, for commercial sites such as airports, malls, and universities. The camera detects people walking up to a bin with, say, a loaded food tray covered with different items, automatically identifies each item and tells them where to put it.
The underlying AI took considerable engineering. The system must distinguish between items that are partly obscuring one another and then prioritize which ones to instruct them about first. It can even tell by the way a person holds a coffee cup whether it is filled with liquid or not, so it can remind them to tip it out first before recycling the cup properly. 
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Revenues from commercial buildings and property management companies aside, Murad hopes to monetize another aspect of the system. OSCAR can recognize logos and thus can surmise whether you prefer Coke or Pepsi. “We will collect an unprecedented data set over time in malls, stadiums and other public places,” Murad says. “What are people consuming? What do people like and not? What time of the day do they like to eat that specific thing?”
That’s the kind of data that he hopes companies will pay for. If he’s right, then he’ll have proven that there’s money in the garbage. It just depends on how you look at it. 
I give you a simple example when you watch a movies on youtube then when you next time open the youtube you see recommendations video it is in the same field which was you watch previous this is also an example of A.I not google other company use A.I actually why we have fear from A.I.forgot the views of entrepreneurs analysis ourself.we have frear from A.I because it is intelligent then us advance than us. I think you don't understand what I meant to ask. ok, I will explain it by any example have you know the black hat hacker, white-hat hacker. white hat hacker uses his knowledge for security or for a good purpose. the black hat uses his knowledge for ilegal purposes.so it depends on us.
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