 China social credit score system

China social credit score system

  The Chinese government is testing the new social credit score system which would rank its citizens based on their online behaviour. China has the largest video surveillance network in the world with real-time facial recognition systems connected to government databases. The government tracks you whether you are in public places, buying things, walking on the road, travelling, doing things online, going to a job, everywhere. The government knows what you buy, where you go, what you ate everything about you. China will ban people with bad social credit scores from booking flights, trains, and taking loans.

How does it work?

In China, every person gets a government ID at the age of 16. Your biological data is linked with this id, the data like facial, eye, fingerprint and so on data. The government is heavily investing in tech companies to make the smartest system. if you break the signal and cross the road then the system takes your image and cross-references with the government databases. within the second the system will know who you are and will automatically post your image with the name on the digital board to shame the citizen. for payment, you don't need a credit card or any other digital payment systems you can pay by using a facial recognition system. If you stay at the government residence then to enter you have to verify the facial recognition system. If you are not verified then you can't enter. Even in the residence, the government tracked you. This is really really scary.

Video surveillance can recognize even the huge crowd along with the other different objects. Even In crowded places like train stations, cinema, malls and so on the cameras can easily identify you.
Even to take the toilet paper in a public toilet you have to scan your face once you get it you won't get it for the next 10 minutes.
Your every behaviour and activity are linked with your government ID. The government have all the types of data.
your educational credential, jobs, career, marriage, residence, where you visits, what things you do online, what things you buy every day everything has been recorded.
Based on these data the government will give you a score.
If you were blacklisted then you will be named on a List of Dishonest Persons Subject to Enforcement by the Supreme People's Court as "not qualified" to buy a plane ticket, and banned from travelling some train lines, buying property, or taking out a loan.
Not only this much people will judge you on the basis of this score.
you may not able to travel or walk-in public, people do not want to socialize with you, none take you on a job and so on.
The future will be scarier than you thought.